In 2018, our client sought to mark the intersection of the Xiang River, regarded as a birthplace of text and intellect. The scheme the client chose was a copy of the Gateway Arch, which immediately sparked an international design competition.
Internally at CRTKL, we hosted an ideas charrette amonas a symbiotic relationship between the qualities of flow and the indiginous bird population that is hallmark to the region due to the river’s presence. Throughout the design’s collective refinement, the scheme wove urban design strategies into the plan. A heightened waterfront, multi-faceted with the adjacent future development of Hengyang, informed a woven texture rothe landscape that captured flows of people in and through the site. The design, manifested as two simple pilars, spiraling upward toward a 360 observation deck where one could take in the confluence.

Status: Unbuilt
Location: Xiangjiang, China
Role: Collaborative Design Team
Additional Credits: CRTKL
Richard Huang
Zhe Wang
Tianchi Zhang